From the Files of Art Inc.: The Heidelberg Affair, Chapter 4 (29.08.24) FFF/FFFF (2024)

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The Files of Art. Inc.:

The Heidelberg Affair - Troubles of the Past

Chapter 3:

“Hunting Shadows”

The same Evening

Heidelberg, Neuenheim, Villa of Theda von Treskow around Midnight:

Theda von Treskow walked up the Stairs to the Entrance of her Gründerzeit-Villa, built in 1888, swaying lightly on her black Platform High Heels. The exquisite Champagne had flowed freely, and she was a bit drunk.

The Reception at Schwetzingen Castle had been a good Opportunity to meet some important Clients and Patrons of the Cause. The Cause was to bring back the Glory Days of the 12 most important Years of German History. The Vision the famous Author Thomas Harris evoked in his Novel Fatherland.

At Times von Treskow was fascinated by how well the “Old Boys Network” still worked. In secret, but very effective. Like a gigantic invisible Kraken whose tentacles had reached the most unlikely places. Poisonous and deadly like Sherlock Holmes's “The Lion´s Mane”

The tall Red Head had to smile. Her famous Ancestor Henning von Treskow, one of the most influential Figures in the Conspiracy of Wehrmacht Officers who tried to End Hitler's Reign in Operation Valkyrie, would have strongly disapproved of her Allegiances – no doubt. But the Times changed – and Theda von Treskow was resolved to get her Pound of Flesh. Henning von Treskow and Claus Graf Schenk von Stauffenberg had been Idealists. Idealists but Fools.

Theda von Treskow considered herself neither an idealist nor a Fool. Her Role Model was Albert Speer.

The red-haired lawyer whose curly copper red mane flowed down her back freely, entered the Code into the Keypad and the Door swung open, almost noiselessly. She had attracted the Attention of many Admirers today: The black Natan Couture Sequin Dress she wore left her shoulder blades bare.

Von Treskow had the athletic Build of a Swimmer.

As soon the Lawyer had crossed the Threshold, she kicked her Jimmy Choo High Heels off her feet and tapped on her nyloned Soles through the Entrance Hall “Lisa! Where are you?” she called after her Personal Assistant.

No response.

Even in her not entirely sober state, it did not escape Theda´s Attention that the Door to her spacious private Study stood slightly ajar, and a thin beam of light fell through the gap. That the Door was open was unusual, only Theda herself possessed the Entry Code to open the Door, or so she had thought. The Lawyer was entirely sober now as she moved carefully to the Door. A Moment she stood still and listened intently.

Someone was in her Study! How was that possible? Carefully she opened the Door not to cause any noise: A most strange, or more precisely, alarming sight greeted her. In front of her Safe, stood a Figure entirely clad in black, obviously sifting through the Contents of her Safe. On the floor, clad only in her underwear lay her assistant Lisa, staring up from the Floor at her Boss.

The lower half of her Face was obscured by a wall of white Microfoam, obviously holding a substantial Amount of Packing inside Lisa´s Mouth. Judging by her bulging cheeks, her Mouth had been packed full: as they learned later with three Pairs of Panties.

The blonde Assistant had been subjected to a very tight no-nonsense Hogtie: Wrists and Elbows tightly tied together. Lisa would have been able to grab her heels, if her hands had not been taped into fists, rendering them useless.

Her big Toes had been tightly tied together and tied back her Elbows and her curly blond braided hair. The Intruder had Lisa stripped to her red Panties and Bra. The muscular Blonde looked more annoyed than scared.

Theda von Treskow was no Coward:

“What do you think you are doing here!” she bellowed at the Intruder who turned, slowly – almost deliberately slow – to the Lawyer. Her Head and Face were obscured by black Goggles and black Balaklava.

In her left Hand, she held a Taser/Tranquiliser Gun, which pointed directly at the Lawyer´s Chest. Instead of a Reply, the Woman – and it was clear to Theda that the Intruder was Female – pulled the Trigger and the Lawyer felt a searing pain in her breast before crumbling unconscious to the floor.

When Theda von Treskow came around again, she had the worst hangover she ever had. Opening her Eyes was immensely difficult. Her Vision cleared only slowly. Before she stood her Attacker, gazing down at her … wait! Gazing down?

Theda von Treskow had been stripped down to her Hose, Bra, and Panties. Only at this Moment, she registered clearly that she could not move “I have been tied up and gagged” she realized. Her mouth had been stuffed with something stale “Used hose, my used hose?”

She had been tied in a sitting Hogtie. Her nyloned Toes only barely scratched the Floor. Something pressed uncomfortably tight into her Crotch “A crotch rope?”

“Your collection of Silk Scarves is impressive.” Her attacker chuckled. Theda only now realized that her Captor had used one Scarf as a Headscarf which was tightly knotted under her Chin and forced her Jaws even more together – A second covered her lower Face from the tip of her chin right under her nose.

She glared angrily at her Attacker and growled into her Gag. The Woman was clearly amused “Don´t stress yourself!” she addressed the Lawyer “You wanted to know what I did at your Safe? Let me tell you: I searched for Evidence of your unholy Alliance with the Devils of the Past – and I found enough to ruin you, some People will find this Material very interesting – and when I find the Data Robert von Hardenberg secured … you and your Allies will be ruined!”

She grinned, the Lawyer could tell, that under her Balaclava

“I would gladly continue our conversation, but I am on a tight Timetable here, so you will have to excuse me” The Assailant took her Backpack and was on her way to the Door. She turned on her Heels “I think I have a parting gift for you …

“This itching Powder is the strongest Stuff on the Market!” the black-clad Woman told Theda almost conversationally as she strewed a healthy Dose of the Stuff into the Lawyer´s Panties …. The Sensation was incredible “Have fun!” the Woman grinned and left. Theda von Treskow groaned:

Hopefully, Olga would come early the next morning ….

The next Morning: Hotel Europäischer Hof around 1000 AM:

Mozart - Don Giovanni - Là ci darem la mano - Claudio Abbado (

Softly singing Mozart´s “La ci darem la mano” Sophie was laying the Table in the spacious Living Room of the Penthouse-Suite of their Hotel, “Der Europäische Hof”. It was a warm and bright Morning, the End of March. The Lawyer had already prepared Chris´ Green Tea and a Darjeeling First Flush for herself: her Year in Cambridge had converted her to a passionate Tea Drinker – to the Chagrin of her Italian Mother.

Though she started every Day still with a real Italian Café- always. The Espresso Doppio this Morning had helped her to get on Track.

Sophie heard Chris singing in her Bathroom:

Nearer, My God, to Thee (

Chris singing this Song? It told Sophie the Blonde was still in a melancholy Mood. The Pianist had slept considerably longer than usual and deviated from her Morning Routine, which she did rarely: Chris had not trained. Nor had she meditated. As Sophie had gotten up for her morning Run? The Blonde had slept still deep – her classical features relaxed and peaceful.

Which was surprising:

After Yesterday´s Exertions, they had called it a day early. Chris one Hour before Sophie herself. She had finished Reading one Chapter of Sir Ronald Syme´s Roman Revolution. The Lawyer had first read the brilliant Study about the late Roman Republic in Cambridge. Sophie loved the Style and the way the Historian had captured the Personalities of the leading Characters like Octavian, like Caesar, like Marc Anton.

She was about to switch off the Light shortly after Midnight when it knocked softly at her Door, on the Threshold hovered Chris, clad in a black negligée “She seems insecure” the Lawyer noticed surprised – and her Eyes had a haunted Look. Untypical for the Blonde. Her tanned skin was pale, and Sophie noticed beads of Sweat on her Brow.

“Can I sleep here today?” she asked softly “She avoids Eye Contact” Now Sophie was not only curious but concerned “Come,” she simply said and patted the Mattress of her King Size Bed.

The Pianist padded nearer. Tentatively.

“Nightmare?” the Lawyer asked gently. Chris nodded “Yes” Sophie switched the light off. The Blonde had snuggled against Sophie´s Body. She didn´t want to show it, but she sobbed. Gently the Lawyer stroked her back, till she felt Chris´ tense back muscles slowly relax, and the sobs subsided.

Finally, her Breathing got deep and regular.

That had been yesterday.

As Chris stepped into the Living Room Sophie looked up: Chris wore her Mane in a loose Bun, a loose-fitting half-sleeve white blouse, light sapphire blue Slacks, and her favourite Birkenstocks on her hosed feet “Good Morning Sophie!” The Pianist smiled warmly – and the Lawyer found that Chris looked relaxed and calm:

The Ghosts of the Night were gone.

“Have a Seat!” Sophie smiled and watched with delight as the Blonde´s green Eyes brightened up as she looked at the Table “You have no Idea how hungry I am!”

Sophie and Chris preferred continental Breakfast contrary to Anna. Sophie shuddered: The Russian Violinist loved the traditional British Breakfast! The Lawyer noticed that Chris tucked in with Gusto. During Breakfast, they followed the Iron House Rule “No talking about Shop during Meals”.

Finally, Chris laid the Cutlery aside and leaned back. Sophie looked intently at the Pianist “You didn´t tell Jungklausen all, right?” The Pianist smiled “I would have if she had not been that bitchy” The dark-haired Lawyer grinned “She is a Bitch – truly! So, what did you didn´t tell her?”

“One of the two Attackers said that von Treskow would not be pleased” Sophie raised her Eyebrows “Von Treskow?” “You know someone going by that Name?” Chris looked intrigued “In fact I do” the Lawyer nodded thoughtfully “During one Trial in Nuremberg I came about a Lawyer, Theda von Treskow, who represented a Client, she was a tall red Head. Pretty good. Her Client was knee-deep in Organized Crime.” She smiled “He was convicted despite his high-priced Lawyer” Sophie smiled broader “We did not part as best Friends!”

Chris grinned “I like that!” Sophie nodded “An old Friend of mine works in Organized Crime here at the State Attorney´s Office – Bastian can tell me more about von Treskow!”

The Pianist looked into the Distance for a Moment and wondered if Robert had anticipated this, knowing about Sophie´s Past. Robert had been clever and well-connected and there had to be a Reason why he had pressed Chris to bring Sophie with her …

The Blonde concentrated on the Present and smiled “I will have a talk with Rahel – she must know something” Her face brightened up “Let´s go!” Sophie shook her head “Not so fast, Chris!” She looked intently at the Pianist. Chris did not break Eye-Contact – she stared back, unblinking - “Before we go, you and I will go to Police Headquarters, where you will sign your Statement!”

Chris was about to snap back but the Lawyer raised her Hand. “Look!” Sophie explained sternly “Jungklausen can make Life very difficult for you – and she will if you give her a Reason. You know she does not believe you!”

Chris did not look pleased at all, finally, she nodded “You are right” she scoffed “I cannot stand her. She thinks I am a privileged arrogant Bitch!” Sophie grinned “You are a privileged arrogant Bitch!” The Lawyer teased her Friend. For a Moment Chris stared speechless at the dark-haired Woman – then she laughed, from the deep of her core “You had me!”

“Fair and square” Sophie smiled.

It was good to hear that laugh. Chris had not laughed often in the last few weeks. Exactly after their Return to Hamburg after “The Sands of Time Affair.” Sophie knew that Chris still had to deal with the Aftermaths of this harrowing Adventure. At Times the Blonde lost her Temper quickly, she hated herself for her physical and emotional Weakness. Her Way of dealing with it? The Pianist just trained more and harder.

“Let us get ready then!” The Pianist smiled, but something told the Lawyer, that the Blonde had read her Mind – even if she said nothing.

On the Way to her Room, she turned “I am all right Sophie!” “I know Chris, I know!” Sophie smiled. She had the feeling though the Pianist wanted to convince Sophie as much as herself.

She looked after Chris, as the Pianist strode out of the living Room. Standing Tall, Head held High – if she was not fully healed, she was definitely better since Weeks ago. Sophie knew the Pianist well enough to give her Space.

When did Chris want to talk? She would. And Sophie would listen.

One hour later, Police Headquarters Heidelberg:

Chris and Sophie entered the Police Headquarters – a ten-story modern building Complex. “I am Doctor Sophie Reichenbach, and this is Christine von der Marwitz” Sophie introduced them to the Officer at the Reception Desk “We have an appointment with Kriminalhauptkommissarin Jungklausen. Frau von der Marwitz is here to sign her Testimony.”

Chris was impressed: Sophie projected a calm Authority not to be questioned “I am lucky to have her at my side” the Pianist mused; she never had felt comfortable in the Company of Lawyers – “with certain Exceptions.” She smiled to herself.

They had to identify themselves and leave their Guns at the Reception Desk “Oberkommissar Beyer will show you to the Homicide Division” the Officer in Charge told them. He had eyed the two heavy HK 23 Guns curiously.

The Pianist and the Lawyer exchanged a look and produced their Gun Licenses. The Officer scrutinized them “Is something amiss Officer?” Sophie smiled warmly. She sounded polite, but there was something in her Voice that gave the Policeman Pause “Of course not ” he hurried to say, breaking Eye Contact quickly “I expected nothing else” The Lawyer smiled benevolently.

The former District Attorney knew the Officer had only done his Duty – but she knew it never hurt to establish Dominance early in the Game. And a Game they were playing. Not a Game of Thrones but a Game nevertheless.

Sophie and Chris waited for a spell. Chris noticed Gazes resting on her. She was accustomed to a certain level of Attention “I am tall, I am blonde – and I have huge tracts of Land” Chris suppressed a smile. Sophie got her fair share of Attention too.

Finally, a young brown-haired Man in his late Twenties arrived: Brown Leather Jacket, a Bruce-Springsteen-Shirt, Blue Jeans, and white Sneakers – Chris noticed “Ruggedly handsome” Chris suppressed a Smile “If you would follow me” the young Investigator bade them politely “Hauptkommissarin Jungklausen is expecting you!”

They followed him to the Elevator. With Amusem*nt Sophie noticed that Beyer was quite impressed by their Presence. He did his best, but Sophie caught him looking at her bosom. He blushed as she smiled coyly at him.

On the seventh Floor, they left the Elevator. Beyer led the way. Before an Office Door, he pointed to two Chairs “Frau Jungklausen will be with you soon – she is in an Interrogation” Sophie and Chris exchanged a look. A small smile crossed Sophie´s full lips “Thank you Oberkommissar Beyer” the Lawyer smiled sweetly. Beyer felt slightly uncomfortable under her Gaze “He knows we know”.

“Can I bring you some Coffee” the brown-haired Investigator offered “No, but no thanks” Sophie declined “We had excellent Coffee already” She stressed “excellent” only lightly. Beyer blushed slightly – and left.

“And now?” Chris ventured “Now we wait” The lawyer smiled “This is the oldest Trick in the Book” The Pianist nodded “Obviously” – she shook her head “Jungklausen has me already pegged as a prime suspect”.

The Blonde scoffed “She is testing my Patience” “You will act perfectly calm, untroubled, and at ease. Do not let her provoke you – she will try” The Lawyer advised her calmly “I know Sophie” Chris sighed exasperatedly “I, we, just have no time for these Games”.

Sophie nodded “I know, Chris,” she said calmly and laid her left Hand on Chris´ right.

They waited.

10 Minutes. 20 Minutes. 30 Minutes “I will kill that Bitch!” Chris fumed inwardly – though outwardly she looked perfectly calm “Jungklausen wants to play Games? Let´s play then.”

Quick steps from the left.

Natalie Jungklausen, Yellow Sneakers, Jeans, a yellow Shirt – a bright smile on her face “I am so sorry you had to wait” Chris and Sophie rose “Right then” Sophie smiled back “Then let us carry on!” The Investigator offered them a Seat before her Desk.

Jungklausen scrutinized her Guests: The blonde Pianist looked relaxed and rested. Her blonde Mane in a loose Updo she wore a wide-cut yellow Blazer, a white Blouse, blue slacks, and Sneakers that matched the Blazer in Colour.

She wore no socks but nude Pantyhose. The blonde returned her gaze evenly – a small smile curled her lips. And those emerald, green eyes … their Gaze was penetrating like an X-Ray. For the very first time, the Investigator sensed the calm Power the Artist radiated. Holding her Gaze? Jungklausen found it difficult.

She turned to Doctor Reichbach: The Lawyer wore a light blue Power Suit, wide-legged. On her feet, open-toed Platform Heels by Louboutin “Her Heels alone cost 800 Euro” Jungklausen scoffed “Don´t let yourself be distracted!” The Investigator admonished herself. Her primary Target was the Pianist.

The Lawyer fixated on her from her green cat-like eyes “My Client has come to sign her Statement.” Sophie smiled “Let us keep this short. Do you have any further Questions for Frau von der Marwitz?”

Nathalie Jungklausen smiled sweetly “Indeed I have a few more Questions – if it is not too much trouble.” She fixated on the Pianist. Still smiling.

“It is not” Chris smiled back, equally sweetly – and Sophie admired the Pianist for her Coolness. She knew Chris. If she had set her mind on something, she would follow through. Natalie Jungklausen was in for a Surprise.

“Tell me, Frau von der Marwitz”, The Investigator asked, “You do not remember anything more than you told yesterday?”

“No” Chris stated firmly matter of factly.

The two Women faced each other. Neither one broke Eye Contact.

“You know Carl von Winterfeldt?” Jungklausen let her next Arrow lose.

“Define knowing!” Now the Pianist smiled amused “Jungklausen looks nonplussed” Chris's smile deepened “If you mean knowing in the biblical sense of the Word, I don´t know him, if you mean if I have come across him? I know him.”

“Arrogant B*tch!” the Investigator fumed. The Pianist´s Face was inscrutable. Impassive. Unreadable.

“You think von Winterfeldt is responsible for Robert von Hardenberg´s Death?”

“No” The Blonde demurred. The emerald, green eyes drilled into her dark ones. Jungklausen found the intensity of this Gaze unnerving.

“What if von Winterfeldt wants to enact some old-fashioned Revenge?”

“That would be mere speculation of Frau von der Marwitz Part” Sophie interjected.

“Let us say, I am interested in her Opinion” The Investigator smiled – a bit strained, the Lawyer found.

Chris laid her left Hand on Sophie´s right underarm lightly “I will answer the Question” She turned to the Investigator: “No” The Pianist retorted calmly.

“Von Winterfeldt would have not targeted Robert. Robert's Role in the Hunt for the Weinstein Collection was a minor one. Von Winterfeldt would have targeted me directly or Persons close to me.” Chris added, “He tried already once – one year ago.”

Notice to the Reader:

Chris is referring to this Event:

Revenge is a dish best served cold: 1 by Imhotep-Ra on DeviantArt ... -929589448

“And Robert von Hardenberg was not close to you?” Natalie Jungklausen was sure the tall Blonde got tense. It was barely noticeable “Her Self-Control is remarkable; I must give her that.”

“He is not. Not anymore.” Again, that marble-like Mask. Jungklausen noted the very short Pause between the two Sentences. It had been barely noticeable. But that was the only Reaction. Jungklausen was sure though to detect a slight undertone: Regret?

“Frau Hauptkommissarin!” Sophie admonished her – calmly, but insistent.

“Right,” The Investigator nodded “You own a HK 23?” She turned to Chris again. If the Pianist was surprised, she did not say “Why do you ask a Question you know the Answer to?” The Blonde countered, calmly and controlled.

The two Women measured each other up. Neither one was backing away. Sophie sighed inwardly.

“Robert von Harenberg was shot with a HK 23.” Natalie Jungklausen stated.

“Your Point?” Chris seemed not to be irritated in the slightest.

“Why don´t you allow us to check the Gun you deposited at the Reception?” Jungklausen smiled sweetly – and false. Sophie found.

Before Chris could answer the Lawyer cut in “This ends here and now. You will need an Order signed by a Judge, which you won´t get Frau Hauptkommissarin if you do have not any more Evidence.”

Jungklausen wanted to respond but Sophie cut across her “Have a look at this” She laid a black USB Stick on the Table “You might find the Content illuminating.” The Investigator found the Lawyer´s smug smile irritating – she took the Stick nevertheless and inserted it into her Laptop.

Chris and Sophie watched as Natalie Jungklausen looked concentrated on the screen “Interesting” Chris could not hide a smile “She does not like what she reads and sees.” Finally, Jungklausen looked up, trying her best not to snap, “Where did you get this Material from?”

Sophie looked hard at her “We did your Job Frau Hauptkommissarin – and let me make this plain to you: Checking out the Alibi of Frau von der Marwitz would have been your Job – not ours.” The Lawyer´s Smile was now cold and hard.

Before Nathalie could interject the dark-haired Woman continued “I think the Police President would not be pleased to learn from the Media that the Lead Investigator” Sophie´s cat-like eyes drilled into hers “conducts a personal Vendetta on a highly respected Artist and Victim of brutal Assault!” Sophie paused “Without the slightest Trace of any Evidence!” The dark-haired Woman smiled sweetly “Or did I miss something?”

The Investigator opened her Mouth to respond “You will submit any further Questions to Christine von der Marwitz in Writing – and if you try to tarnish my Client's Reputation further, we will file a formal Complaint. Is that clear?” Sophie´s Mezzo was hard like Steel.

The Investigator hated the Lawyer with her Guts. She fumed. “Frau Hauptkommissarin, I asked you a Question” Sophie interrupted her thoughts “Is that clear?” Her Voice was as sharp as Chris´ Katana. The Investigator stared back at her, but broke Eye-Contact quickly “Yes” she muttered after a Pause, “You were very clear.”

The Lawyer smiled sweetly “I am happy we agree on this” She stood “Come, Chris, we go!” The Pianist raised too “Good Idea Soph! It is a bit stuffy in here!”

Sophie turned Jungklausen “Don´t bother to show us out – we will find the Way ourselves!”

Natalie stared after them. She took her Phone and made a Call.

“They are on their Way, be ready!”

Natalie fumed. The Lawyer had outplayed her. She had underestimated Doctor Sophie Reichenbach- and paid the Price.

Chris and Sophie did not say anything on their Way down. At the Reception Desk, they retrieved their Guns, bade the Officer in Charge a good Day, and left. Out on the Street, they turned right “What a B*tch!” Chris spat “Yes” the dark-haired Lawyer teased the Pianist “One should think you had an Affair with Jungklausen´s Husband – and he left her for You!”

The Blonde was not entirely mollified “I wish I had, then I would know at least why she pegged me as prime Suspect!”

Chris changed tack:

“I told Sybil to make a thorough background check, the B*tch has no reason! …” She paused, her neck hairs rising “You think she will put you under Surveillance?” The Lawyer had noticed the reaction “She already did – we are being followed!” the Blonde strode along.

“And now?” Both Women acted as if nothing had happened “Now I will have some Fun!” An ominous Smile curled Chris´ Lips “When do you meet your former Colleague?” Sophie smiled back and looked at her Watch “At 1230 at the Café Knösel!” The Pianist nodded and smiled back “It is hideously overprized – but it is pure Alt-Heidelberg Romantic! I will see Rahel at 0100 PM!”

Café & Hotel Knösel (

Sophie grew serious “You will not trash the Shadow in a Dark Alley, will you!” Now the Blonde chuckled “No”, Chris shrugged – but I will embarrass him!” She took her Smartphone, selected a Contact, and made a Call. The Person at the other End took the Call after the first Ringing “Hi, It´s me!” – the Pianist “I need the Phone Numbers of two People …”

The Man following Chris watched as she and the Lawyer parted at Bismark Square. Reichenbach crossed the Street and vanished from Sight. The Pianist turned left and followed the Street, to cross the Neckar. It was a beautiful Sunny Morning.

Halfway on the Theodor-Heuss-Brücke, the Blonde paused for a Moment to look at the Castle Ruin, which loomed above the City. After two Minutes she continued at a brisk Pace “She has not taken Notice of me! - I am just good at this Business!” he smiled.

Heidelberg-Neuenheim was one of Heidelberg’s most famous Quarters. Unlike many German Cities, Heidelberg had not been bombed during World War Two, so many of the Houses built End of the 19th Century were intact and well-kept. Anyone who owned a House in this Quarter had to be well-off.

Chris´ Shadow followed the Pianist to the Marketplace, the Blonde turned left, and followed the Martin-Luther-Straße, looked at her Watch, and took a Seat outside the Dorfschänke – a Waitress approached her.

Von der Marwitz placed her Order. She looked in his Direction. Not likely she would see him; he had melted with the Shadows. The Pianist had ordered a Chevre Cheese au Gratin Salad and a Glass of White Wine.

Willkommen in der Dorfschänke Neuenheim (

But she did not start eating – she took her Smartphone and stared directly at him. The Man took the Phone, an Unknown ID “Yes? Who is there?” He watched the Pianist who smiled broadly now at him:

“Good Day, Oberkommissar Beyer!” The melodious Alto Voice of Chris von der Marwitz “Why don´t you join me?” Marcel Beyer saw that the Pianist pointed to the Place opposite her. His cheeks burned; he had been played. Cleverly. More than that. At the Academy, he had gotten the highest Marks for Surveillance and Countersurveillance.

Natalie Jungklausen´s Office, 10 Minutes later:

Natalie Jungklausen smiled – 10 Minutes ago Marcel had reported, he had followed the Pianist across the Neckar. Her Mobile rang. Without looking at the Display she took the Call “Yes, Marcel! What is it?” A melodious Alto Voice laughed “This is not Marcel, Frau Jungklausen”.

Now the Investigator recognized the Voice … von der Marwitz … she suppressed a Curse “You should not be too cross with Marcel; he is really good!” The Pianist smiled “He is just not playing in my League!”

Chris von der Marwitz grew serious, several degrees colder, and hard like Steel. She did not raise her Voice though “Let me be plain Frau Hauptkommissarin: Why do you have me pegged as Prime Suspect – without a shred of Evidence – I do not know. And I do not care. I do care though about Loss of Face.”

In the same calm, cold controlled Tone she continued:

“I grew up in Japan. In some Ways, I am more Japanese than German. Loss of Face is the worst for a Japanese. It is for me. If you continue to smear my reputation with baseless accusations and harassment Doctor Reichenbach will bury you and your reputation under an Avalanche of Complaints.“

She paused and Natalie wanted to interject. The Pianist cut across her, without raising her Voice in the slightest:

“Frau Jungklausen, do your Job and find Robert´s Murderer. You could start with Theda von Treskow. Have a pleasant day Frau Kriminalhauptkommissarin!” The Pianist hung up – and Jungklausen stared dumbfounded at the Phone in her Hand ….

“That absolute B*tch!” She shook her head “She hung up on me!” She stared at the Phone in her Hand “She hung up on me!” As much as she hated to admit that: The Pianist had a point, several actual: “First: I allowed myself to be carried away!

Second: To ruin my Career was not an empty Thread: Marcel had done a thorough Background Check: Doctor Reichenbach’s Track Record as District Attorney had been shockingly impressive.

Marcel has talked to a Colleague in Nuremberg who has been cross-examined by Reichenbach …. Third: They had come across Theda von Treskow´s Name – but I have decided to follow my Vendetta ….”

Something about the Pianist triggered her: She was beautiful and elegant: Her expensive Clothes and Shoes, her bearing …

The Investigator was sure: Sophie Reichenbach would bury her and a Career– if she did not come up with something substantial …

Natalie called Marcel …...

From the Files of Art Inc.: The Heidelberg Affair, Chapter 4 (29.08.24) FFF/FFFF (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.